Suddenly it happened: Romanian days in Wroclaw....yes, who wanted to discover a part of Romania, and to make a virtual travelling through, could have come in Klub Pod Kolumnami to do it, on the 1st and on the 2nd of july.
In the first day, the audience could find more about my country through the prepared presentation and through mss Radoslawa Lascar’s speech about the polish people from Romania. The evening continued with “Filantropica” movie, a sour sweet satire of the contemporary Romanian society.
The second day continued in also Klub Pod Kolumnami (because of the unpredictable weather) with the delicious Romanian cuisine, multimedia experience and with the Romanian music. The day started with a little surprise, a live classical concert held by misses Radoslawa’s daughter. I wanted to start the day in this way beacuse I think that when somebody is coming to hear music from another country, will wait to hear just in the speakers the music...so that’s why I wanted to prepare something else for my audience.
Regarding the multimedia experience, besides the pictures from the walls that also were inviting you to have a “virtual travel” through my country, two big screens were also were helping you to discover on your own more about Romania...so if somebody was more interested about the history, or about the landscapes, or about the cities, or about something else, he could have chosen to see some documentary movies and to understand more about it.
Everybody that entered in the room where the event was held, was surrounded by pictures and by projections about Romania. I wanted to make everything in this way because when you are in a location where in each part where you are looking is something shown about the topic, for sure the audience will remain with something in the mind regarding it. So, I think that the “visual shock” it is very important :).
I want to thank you very much for the already recieved feedbacks regarding the food, the very diverse music, the dance (some energic “horas”), the exhibition from the walls and the projected documentaries.
I want also to thank to the “Dom Pokoju” team, and especially to my colleague, Gamze, who was there for me all the time.
Daniela Tache