on the 21st of April, at 20:30 until around 22:30
21 kwietnia o 20.30 (do 22.30)
Where? Gdzie?
in the playground next to “Fundacja Dom Pokoju”(House of Peace Foundation) office
address: pl macieja 5 (you enter through the gang and you will see the
podwórko przy Placu Świętego Macieja 5
What to bring? Co zabrać ze sobą?
A blanket on which to stay on, some warm clothes and some popcorn or what you want :)
Koc, ciepłe ubrania i popcorn :)
What else should I do? Co mogę zrobić jeszcze?
You should tell your friends and they can join us also:)
Zaproś swoich przyjaciół!
tel: 660327636 daniela.tache@gmail.com, dompokoju@gmail.com

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